Who We Are?
Our Mission
To honor all Texas Veterans for their service, sacrifices and accomplishments.
To preserve the history and stories of our Texas Veterans.
To educate the public on those stories.

Non-Profit 501(c)3
Incorporated in the State of Texas in October 2018
IRS 501(C)3 in October 2018
TVHOF Museum-Located in the Golden Triangle Mall Suite L19. In the same corridor of JC Penney’s. Current Hours of Operation:
Friday,Saturday and Sunday 1-6.
Our Website Is Membership Driven
We Offer Two Levels Of Membership.
- Basic Membership-Allows you access to all the profiles and Texas Honors Site
- Patriot Membership-Allows access to all the premier pages to include, but not limited to virtual tours, newsletters, cemeteries, special articles and other areas of honoring our Texas Veterans.
Who we are
The Texas Veterans Hall of Fame was founded in 2018 out the efforts to preserve the history of the 1.8 million Texans that have served since the beginning of WWI.
Texas is deep in military history with museums scattered all over the State. However, none of these organizations are exclusively dedicated to honoring Texas Military Veterans for their outstanding service, sacrifices and accomplishments on an individual basis. Now Texas has that venue with the Texas Veterans Hall of Fame.
Some of The Unique Stories:
*D-Day Landing and the battle of the historic Pointe du Hoc, commanded by Lt. Col. James E. Rudder from Eden, TX . The Lt. Col. and his battery scaled the 100 foot cliffs under fire to reach and destroy a German gun battery. The casualty rate was greater than 50%. Rudder himself was wounded twice. One of the three battleships that was providing fire power for the mission was the USS Texas.
*Sinking of Japan’s largest battleship Yamoto by Denton native Hal Jackson. Hal Jackson was credited for sinking the 45 ton battleship on the last run when his flight group sunk two cruisers and five destroyers in the Pacific Campaign.
*Heroes of the Doolittle Raiders, who 11 of the 32 pilots and co-pilots where Texas natives. Three more were crew members of the 16 B-25 bombers.
*Alvin M. Owsley, born and raised in Denton, TX traded his political career to serve in WWI. Owsley was elected as the first National Commander of the American Legion.
*Sergeant Roy Benavidez of El Campo, TX voluntarily entered a combat zone to rescue trapped comrades. Benavidez jumped from a hovering helicopter and ran over 80 yards under intense North Vietnamese fire. He sustained multiple injuries, but was able to save the lives of eight fellow soldiers earning the Medal of Honor.
38*The 78 Texans that gave their lives at Pearl Harbor. Two of which were
Thomas Augusta Free and William Thomas Free, father and son from Houston, TX.
Lt. General Samuel Tankersley Williams who graduated from Denton ISD and served in four wars. Williams (August 25, 1897 – April 26, 1984) was a senior United States Army officer. Williams became prominent in army history for being reduced in rank from brigadier general to colonel, and then resuscitating his career to again advance to general officer rank. He also commanded the 25th Infantry Division during the Korean War and served as commander of Military Assistance and Advisory Group – Vietnam, the predecessor to Military Assistance Command – Vietnam.
*Lastly, Texas claims honorably 102 Texas Medal of Honor recipients.
Learning at the Museum-TVHOF hosts teachers and students through our virtual museum, that allows them to immerse themselves in the lessons and stories of our Texas heroes. In addition, TVHOF has been recognized by the Texas Historical Commission. For adults, our virtual reality “War Remains” simulator puts one in the trenches of WWI. Our Tunnel Rat and Hanoi Hilton displays tell the stories and hardships of being a soldier and POW in Vietnam. Our 104 rifle collection dating back to the Spanish American War caps off a dynamic museum of memorabilia.
Online and Library Resources-offers over 1,000 military books and a variety of media and reading material promoting learning and research for all age groups.
Annual Induction Ceremony-brings each year to an end to honor and recognize not only our Texas heroes, but those who have made a difference in the lives of veterans, and the public at the local, state and national levels. We honor our veterans in four categories. Valor, Service, Support and Patriotism. As of November 2022, we have had 4 ceremonies and inducted 50 of Texas’s 102 Medal of Honor Recipients
Remember Them Forever– our signature program and marker to honor our veterans. For those that are deceased a 6” marker is placed on the grave. This marker has a QR Code on it and when scanned it takes the visitor to the profile about that Veteran. We know of no one else having such a program. It also provides an opportunity for individual and/or civic non profits organizations to host and record the biographical information on the veterans lives and contributions. We current have 38 cemeteries and over 7500 profiles in our database and over 1000 markers (oakwood) in three of the cemeteries.
Mobile Mini Museum-In our efforts to education the public, especially the current and future generations of stories, sacrifices and accomplishments, we have a mobile museum 40 foot bus that we take on the road to schools, events and any venue that will give us exposure to our mission of honoring and preserving the history of our Texas heroes.
Learning Academy-Our final signature program is our Learning Academy, where a multiple courses are being developed and offered to the public reminding them of the stories, sacrifices and accomplishments. These course are targeting our younger generations with added courses like civics, patriotism and Military History.
In just over three years, TVHOF – with the work and support of a few prominent individuals — create a venue that started with a 20 foot display to 1300 square feet and now 4200 square feet museum creating a showcase of memorabilia and stories of Texas Veterans. We continue to promote the mission and vision for TVHOF, and solicit and procure funds to protect memorabilia, honor Texas Veterans and ensure the public has access to its living history.
To provide these funds we rely primarily on grants, public and corporate donations.
With your support, you will help us provide a constant reminder to Texans and other visitors of the service, sacrifices and accomplishments of the 1.8 million Texans that have served since the beginning of World War I. You can donate by clicking on the donate button or complete the donation form at the back of our brochure.